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The Office of University Counsel’s Higher Education Law Fellowship program provides a unique opportunity for attorneys to gain experience in higher education law. The one-year fellowship position is designed to offer broad exposure to the vast array of matters that counsel at a large, public research university might encounter. Fellows typically work with each of our attorneys as determined by the office workload and may assist, for example, in matters ranging from construction contracts to health law to core constitutional rights.

Assignments include legal research, drafting, and strategic thinking and planning. Fellows will have opportunities to meet with university clients, to attend court and school hearings, and to collaborate with seasoned attorneys who represent a diversity of expertise and working styles. For this position, the Office of University Counsel seeks a dynamic and creative individual with a demonstrated interest in higher education law.

Fellows receive a salary and benefits as postdoctoral associates at the University. To learn more about the benefits plan, visit the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs website at